Life can sometimes just take over and you are along for the ride. I have had many inquiries as to how I am since my last post so very long ago, thank you to those who took the time to say "where the hell are you?' (my words not theirs).
I had a girlie surgery and then my husband had knee surgery. We are both in good health and doing great. My children are the same; the three hormonally driven teen aged girls, the "don't forget me just because I am not a teen doesn't mean I don't have attitude" 8 year old girl, and of course the master of the never ending energy my, two year old boy!
I am alive. I am ready to write. Be prepared because I feel a laughing my ass off ~ uplifting post a brew'n!!!
I am so glad that you are doing well. The surgury part stinks, I hope that you are feeling much better. Glad you're back, you were missed. Russo @